Friday, October 5, 2012

Acid Reflux

I've just recently had a client & 2 patients suffer from acid reflux bouts. Which aside from being uncomfortable to painful, if it occurs often enough, can cause pre-cancerous cells in the esophagas. So how does one prevent it?

To start, watch your water intake during meals. I preach drinking lots of water, you shouldn't quit but when you drink a lot of water during your meal you flush away the gastric acids you need to digest your food. Then, the food stays in your stomach digesting longer creating uncomfortable gas which can lead the bubbling up of acidto acid or constipation because your food hasn't fully digested. So give yourself at least 15mins before your meal & another 15 after w/out liquids, to help prevent this. If your going to have wine or beer w/ your meal, just be sure to sip it slowly, savor it.

Secondly, to help prevent it, watch the amount of acidic foods you eat. Such as; citrus fruits, coffee, tomatoes, alcohol, etc. Stress level also greatly affects acid reflux. So try to chill out the best you can. And all though when its bad all you want to do is lay down, you shouldn't. It can encourage the upward flow of the acid. So try to stay sitting up at least slightly.

When in a bout of acid reflux, drink water slowly, avoid all things acidic as well as dairy and sorry but, stick to a bland boring diet at through your bout and a day or two after to insure it won't just get irritated again. BRAT - bananas, rice, applesauce (sometimes it can be a no-no) and toast.

Good luck keeping that tummy healthy & your stress down!! The enteric system (stomach & intestines) are our second brain & we need to treat it well!!

Monday, September 24, 2012

To Sneeze or Not To Sneeze?

I know my answer, not to sneeze. Well here in Austin, allergy season is in full force!! Ragweed, Molds, Grasses & different tress have declared war!!

So if your not wanting to jump right to harsh antihistamines or antibiotics, try some homeopathic & Chinese herbs to soothe your scratchy throat, watery eyes & runny or stuffy nose. Unless you really are very sick or running a fever, then please see your acupuncturist or physician.

At your local natural health food & vitamin store, I suggest picking up a product called Umcka Cold + Flu to take the minute your symptoms begin. You can take 1-3 a day until symptoms cease. Also add Elderberry extract daily to help boost your immune system when the seasons/weather is set to change to give yourself a head start. &/or Echinacea tea daily. Stay on both until the weather stabilizes.

At your local Chinese herb store, or if a local acupuncturist may carry the products, ask for Yin Qiao San the minute you begin to feel the symptoms of allergy or cold, follow the directions on the label & do not stay on it longer than a week. Also, to give yourself a head start you can take Yu Ping Feng San or Gan Mao Ling, to try to catch that illness before it goes deeper into your system. The Yu Ping Feng San is safe to be on continuously & the Gan Mao Ling should not be taken longer than a week.

All of the above, western & Chinese alike are safe & effective & will not interact with any other of your medications. Its best to take them separate (an hour to 2 hours before or after) any other medications your taking. & please, if your doctor has put you on a medication for these symptoms, do not go off of it with out speaking with them first. & it is still a good idea to check with them or your herbalist before adding any herbs or supplements to your daily regime.

You can also try to keep allergies at bay in your home by having protective covers on your mattress & pillows. Wiping pets down when they come in from outside to get the pollens off their hair. & change your air filters often!!

As for you diet, as always, plenty of water, avoid dairy as it builds up mucus, & lots of veggies & fruit to keep getting your vitamins!!

Finally, if your body & mind are telling you to sleep & rest, do it. You will be better for it!!

Good luck this autumn allergy season. & if you have any questions please let me know I'll answer what I can for you & am always up for treating you!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Important Statement Released Supporting Acupuncture

AAAOM, the American Association of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine's Position Statement in Support of the Designation of Acupuncture as an Essential Health Benefit Service.

AAAOM supports designating acupuncture as an Essential Healthcare Benefit (EHB) for the following reasons:
 1. acupuncture is safely & effectively practiced nationally by state licensed & regulated health care professionals who are trained in institutions whose accreditation is recognized by the U.S. Dept. of Education;
2. acupuncture is a proven, cost-effective & comparatively-effective medical treatment for commonly occuring illnesses as enumeratedby the World Health Organization (WHO) & the National Institutes of Health (NIH);
3. acupuncture is an important aspect of integrative medical care whereby thousands of trained licensed acupuncturists & physicians are practicing acupuncture in clinics, hospitals, universities, veterans' care facilities, & military establishments;
4. acupuncture reimbursement for treatment by licensed acupuncturists & physicians is available through federal, state, & private third party payers;
5. acupuncture, a medically-effective service, has an unparalleled safety record with far fewer side-effects than conventional therapies such as prescription drugs & surgery as well as consistent meaningful improvement outcomes;
6. acupuncture is sought after by the public as there is an established need for increased patient access to care; and
7. acupuncture meets the EHB criteria & services, & at minimum, serves five of the EHB categories of care.

#5 is my personal favorite!! Sign the petition & show your support!!